Chapter 3514 Green Hill (II)
During the Triwizard Tournament, Pomona made a French fish soup to entertain Beauxbatons' guests. In fact, she was originally thinking about cooking something to entertain the Bulgarian athlete Viktor Krum. She heard that athletes have very high dietary requirements, especially since he is also a professional seeker.
Quidditch players in the inter-school league don't have to worry about this. They can eat the high-fat, high-calorie food cooked in the Hogwarts kitchen with gusto.
As a result, she discovered a variety of canned fish, with more than 700 varieties.
These cans also do not use preservatives. The most common ones are vinegar, smoke and salt. There is also a canned herring with tomatoes. Tomato juice can effectively remove the smell of fish.
Draco had "fresh memories" of smelling the Swedish canned herring. In Durmstrang's canteen, many people were "accustomed" to opening the cans, as if they didn't feel the smell at all, and ate them. Gotta relish it.
This is a local custom, just like blue cheese. People who like to eat it find it more spicy and stronger than ordinary cheese.
Draco ran back from Durmstrang and took the house elf Dobby with him when he left. Dobby used several apparations to take Draco back to Malfoy Manor, and then Draco was Lucius, who rushed back after receiving the news, "beat him up".
Lucius would not be like Arthur and get angry and put Fred on his knee to spank him. He would just give Draco a sudden hit with his cane. It might not be very painful, but it was enough to scare Draco.
Narcissa would not write a howling letter like Molly, send it to school by owl, and lecture Ron in the auditorium in front of the whole school, even if she knew that Draco was risking his life with Harry in order to chase the Golden Snitch. He flew at high speed under the stands full of obstacles and was injured.
Draco was lucky. He only broke a few bones. He could just drink some bone spirit. What if he broke his neck?
Draco was living on campus and couldn't go home. Lucius had to go home every day and bought the latest broomsticks for the whole team. Just to let his son join the team early like Harry, Lucius banned Draco. Coe is playing Quidditch again.
Estonia has been ruled by the Russians since 1710. Since 1700, Sweden has been engaged in a northern war with Tsarist Russia.
King Charles XII of Sweden was only 15 years old when he came to the throne in 1697.
The ruler of Tsarist Russia at that time was Peter I. From 1697 to 1698, he traveled in Europe. After returning home, in addition to recruiting European talents, he mainly focused on the Ottoman Empire.
At first, Peter I did not pay attention when Sweden attacked Denmark. As Denmark quickly surrendered, Sweden turned its target to the Baltic Sea, and then attacked the main Russian army besieging Navarre.
So 10 days after Peter I signed a contract with Turkey in Constantinople, Russia went to war with Sweden.
The sudden rise of Tsarist Russia shocked European countries, and it also affected the Spanish Succession War to a certain extent. After Peter I occupied Narva, the capital of Estonia, with his army in 1710, feeling that the Southern Fleet would not be used in the Northern War, the Tsar quickly formed a navy in the Baltic Sea. The new fleet conducted amphibious operations and naval warfare training, and then Sweden Estonia was never recaptured.
In 1721, Sweden and Tsarist Russia signed the Treaty of Nystadt, and Russia officially acquired Nevonia, Estonia and other places, and returned Finland to Sweden.
Tsarist Russia is not only about ballet, nor is Vienna only about music and waltzes. Perhaps if the young Estonian nobleman did not return to his fiefdom and continued to stay in Vienna, his marriage to the Countess might have turned out differently.
In short, after walking for nearly a day, they returned to Milan. This time they did not stay in Sforzesco Castle, but in the "Villa of the East", where Polina had already been waiting for her.
From this hilly villa you can see the countryside spread over the plains of Milan, which looks like a landscape.
"Where is Alejandro?" Georgiana looked around the villa, but did not see the "second eldest son" of the Torlonya family.
"Did you see this as the first thing I said?" Polina said angrily.
"You have become beautiful again." Georgiana praised hypocritically, "Like morning dew on rose petals, like..."
"He is still in Sforzesco Castle." Polina interrupted her coldly. "If you want to see him, you can summon him."
Georgiana glanced at the sky. The sunset had already set, leaving only a little rose-colored afterglow. Judging from Polina's dress, it seemed that there would be no dance party tonight, so she found a room to accommodate the two distinguished guests who came with her.
In Italy, there is something called the "Rules of the Year," which is a privilege enjoyed by cities. Food from the countryside must be given priority to the cities. This became the basis for Alejandro's father and two papal nobles to form the "Provide to Rome" Material Delegation” basis.
The bad harvest of 1798 was caused by natural disasters as well as man-made disasters. During the war, it occurred outside the city, which meant that farmland was inevitably affected. The delegation must first ensure the needs of the capital.
They used subcontracts and supply contracts. This strategy was also used by the Union during the Civil War. The currency issued by Lincoln at that time was green, so it was called "Lincoln Green Dollar", but it was not the same as the dollar bill. Spam, but it will appreciate and depreciate with the victory or defeat of the war.
Lincoln has been unwilling to print more "green coins", but it is obvious that the authorized "green coins" cannot be used to pay for military expenses and supplies.
So the Quartermaster's Office no longer paid checks to contractors, but instead used "indebtedness" (certificates of indebtedness), which contractors could use to get loans at unspecified dates in the future.
The unspecified period was related to the outcome of the war. If the Union won, the greenback appreciated, and the contractor could make a huge profit from the difference between the price of oats and the value of the bill to pay for the purchase of oats, so that this contract could be circulated like a bill of exchange.
The contractor did not need to repay the loan, because the "IOU" was issued by the Federal Quartermaster's Office, and the Federal Government was also responsible for repaying the money. This eventually led to state-owned and private banks lending more money than the gold and silver they owned. One state-owned bank even lent $50,000 with a reserve of less than $90.
There was definitely a risk in doing this, so the number of contractors willing to take the risk decreased in the second year, and the price of supplies rose.
In Ireland, there was a situation where if the price of potatoes rose, more Irish people could afford potatoes, but if the price of potatoes fell, more people could not afford them.
In Italy, more and more people hoarded wheat, and there was never enough bread in the city bakeries.
This ultimately led to the need to establish inventory and supervision for the delegation that provided supplies to Rome in 1799, a year when Italy had a good harvest.
In order to keep the war going, the federal munitions minister thought of another way. He split a large contract into enforceable small contracts, each for 1,000 bushels of supplies. He took these contracts to the New York Agricultural Products Exchange for sale, so that not only large grain merchants, but also "captains" like Rhett Butler could get orders and drive their own ships or hire people to deliver supplies to military warehouses and fortresses, avoiding the monopoly of supplies by large grain merchants.
At the same time, these "small contracts" would also flow into the market and be sold to flour mill operators or brokers. This kind of futures contract is not new. As long as the parties in the contract agree on the delivery time, specify the price and quantity of the goods, no one will ask about the intermediate process. According to the contract at hand, the bank will also lend money.
Georgiana did something similar in Belgium. The contract signed by Ghent and France to purchase sugar-making equipment was the voucher. It borrowed 2 million francs from the bank and then used the money to buy grain.
Shaptall was not good at this, although he could figure out how to extract materials for making gunpowder from excrement, so Gabriel Uvral was released.
When washing up, Georgiana remembered how Shaptall did this...
"Forget it, never mind." She lay down on the bed without thinking about it.
She would talk about the big things tomorrow, so she fell asleep quickly.