I Want to Have a Date with Superman

Chapter 1963 Lucky Louise

The famous cosmic character Lois did not come with the Justice League.

Many heroes of the Justice League can enter Limbo directly and can survive in Limbo without air, matter or spatial direction for a long time.

Louise is just an ordinary person, there is no way she can be like them, but she doesn’t want to miss the Heaven’s Gate Magic Conference.

She joined the Teen Titans.

After Harley became the God-King, the Archimedes airship was given to Rachel and Barbara, and they took the airship to the Teen Titans.

In addition to being able to survive in the Limbo environment for a long time, the Archimedes airship also has a very powerful radar system.

Radar is Archimedes himself.

Harley used hell's magic flame to burn pure angel feathers and integrate Archimedes' soul into the radar.

Archimedes used the lever of mental power to capture very distant shots onto the radar screen.

Clearer than any high-definition camera, it can be used by Louise as a news camera.

What's even better is that Limbo cannot transmit sound and can only communicate mentally. Archimedes Radar can perfectly receive and process all mental fluctuations.

Archimedes' own mental strength alone was unable to process much information.

But now he has become a radar. He is as strong as the radar's computing speed.

Superheroes have upgraded their radar technology to the "Sky Blood Level" - it can scan and spread information within the Sky Blood field.

The information processing speed of the radar CPU is faster than ordinary supercomputers in earth science laboratories.

It’s more than enough to handle the chaotic mental waves around you.

In the first half of the magic conference, the famous cosmic legend Louise was still full of energy and very excited.

Not only did she transform into the chief director, directing Archimedes to scan different magicians and record their expressions and shouts, she also returned to her old job during the recess, leaving Archimedes' airship, approaching the extraordinary beings who were having a heated conversation, and conducting direct interviews. their feelings and thoughts.

"Are you Lois Lane, a well-known reporter from the main universe?"

During the adjournment, extraordinary people would gather in groups, or dozens or hundreds of people, to discuss. After the results of the discussion, they would go to their representatives. The mages would go to BoBo, the gods would go to Hera, and the evil gods and demons would go to the inner dragon.

Louise just randomly found a group of people with the largest number of divine magicians. She was still hesitant about how to say hello, but the other party called her name first.

"You know me? Is your hometown also the earth?" Louise was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

The opponent looks a bit weird, with two horns on his head. He doesn't look like a human being, but there are too many divine magicians who were born on earth but look inhuman.

More than half of the mainstream pantheons in the heavenly realm come from the earth.

The earth is very impressive. It has produced ancient heroes like Zeus and Odin, as well as "Witch Harley", the first modern person. It is not surprising to meet fellow earthlings in Limbo.

"No, I am not from Earth, and I have never even been to the main universe. But I know you, you are very famous. Even in the distant Sanudo plane, I have seen news about you.

By the way, Sanudo is a magical plane, and its technology is equivalent to the 18th world of your earth. There are no televisions and computers, but there are newspapers and radios.

Your news appears regularly in Sanudo National News.

You and your photo are also news content. said the two-meter strong man with horns.

Louise was a little surprised, "I didn't expect that the magic plane in Limbo would also have news about me. Everyone still likes my news. I'm really honored."

It is obvious that the Sanudo National News did not pay the copyright fee to the Daily Planet, and the reprinting of the news content is illegal.

But at least they were reposting the news, not stealing her news content, without even marking the source of the original news.

Well, she didn't even think about it. The taboo news she reported was scary to others, so how could she dare to steal it in her own name?

For example, in "Darkseid Series Special Topic" and "Black Death Crisis Series", Black Death and Darkseid are not dead yet.

"I know you too, Lois Lane. You are no small person. Ever since you produced "The Legend of Darkseid's Harem", your name has begun to spread throughout the vast Limbo dimension."

——You are the only reporter in the entire multiverse who is as brave as you and dares to report Darkseid's affairs.

"Lois Lane, we in Levi's world also have news about you."

"Reporter Ryan, are you here for an interview? Just ask whatever you want to ask. No matter what the taboo topic is, just ask, and I will answer all your questions."

Louise was even more happy that not only an outsider knew her.

Almost two-thirds of the people present said they were familiar with her, and many even expressed their willingness to be interviewed by her.

While she was happy, she also became even busier.

After confirming that she was not only famous among the major literary stars in the main universe, but also in the world of Lingbo Prison, her reputation of "carrying morality with iron shoulders and writing articles with skillful hands" was spread throughout the world. She was like a hard-working little bee, active in Among the lively atmosphere of gods and demons.

Well, she became picky and only chose interviews with groups of gods and demons.

They are stronger, more knowledgeable and experienced, and the relationship between the Heavenly Tribulation System and them is closer.

After all, many ordinary mages present were not even qualified to survive the tribulation. Only gods and demons were 100% determined to survive the tribulation.

But Louise is a mortal after all, with limited physical strength and energy.

She is not considered young now. She has been married for twenty years and is over forty, and is about to reach her fifth birthday.

As the day and night passed, she could no longer run.

However, although she was exhausted physically and mentally, she was still excited and still took Oliver to interview among the "senior gods and demons" group.

Well, she was tired and no longer energetic. She could only use her limited energy to interview more high-end audiences, that is, the top groups of gods and demons.

There are even demon kings and god kings who have revealed their identities.

The more powerful the gods and demons are, the longer they live, and the longer they live, the more karma they accumulate.

The more evil causes accumulated in one's body, the more worried one is about the coming disaster. The views and ideas of top gods and demons are often closer to the essence of the problem.

They are also happy to express their views and transmit their thoughts through the interview with Louise, the "Famous Diary of the Multiverse".

Their views can influence Saint Aunt Harry, so it would be best to let her fine-tune the rules of the tribulation.

Even if it doesn't affect her, it can still affect the gods and magicians watching the TV news.

If other magicians practice and test those views and ideas, they will avoid the risk of trying the method themselves.

For example, multiverse celebrity Louise plans to create the "Series of Catastrophes".

One of the themes is "How to reduce the causes of evil and delay disaster".

Many gods and demons have ideas, but they are also very uncertain about whether the ideas have not been tested and whether they can cause bugs, and they dare not try them easily.

The cost of trial and error is too great. It not only wastes time and energy, but may also cost your life.

If the news airs and others test their ideas, they make a profit but not a loss.

Indeed, before the Heavenly Tribulation system is loaded, the old monsters who are stronger, live longer, and have more causes and effects are more valuable to interview. But when the Heavenly Tribulation system is loaded, in fact, at the beginning of the Heavenly Tribulation system, there are no problems with the old monsters. Interviewing them can still obtain first-hand information about magic debt.

But when the Demon Governor began to go through the tribulation. When the Demon Governor passed through the first level of Zeus God's Thunder Tribulation, the old monsters and the famous Louise were very curious, so they approached him for a while, and stood not far away, watching and chatting. And talk.

However, the Demon Governor was restless and could not survive the calamity quietly.

Before the end of the first catastrophe, his soul immediately received information about the catastrophe he encountered from the tribulation cloud.

He was desperate and went crazy, chasing Hera and rushing into the surrounding old monsters eating melons.

At this moment, the old monsters have become flammable and explosive dangerous goods. Not only are they in danger, but they are also dangerous to others.

"Ah, yeah, I can feel it too. It's the Heavenly Tribulation. The Heavenly Tribulation is taking shape above my head. No, I'm just an ordinary person. I'm just a reporter. Why did the Heavenly Tribulation attack me?!" Louise's face turned pale and she cried sadly. Howl.

"You are just an ordinary person, there should be no natural disasters." Oliver looked up and observed the clouds of disaster "above".

He couldn't see clearly. There were too many tribulation clouds superimposed on each other, forming a large area. He had little experience. It was the first time he saw this scene. He couldn't tell which tribulation cloud belonged to whom. He was also not sure whether Louise had her own special one. Heavenly calamity.

But he was very sure that although he was in a catastrophe, he was not forcibly activated.

Even he doesn't have a catastrophe, and Louise probably doesn't either.

As for Louise’s “spiritual sense”.

In this kind of environment, there are tribulation clouds everywhere. The tribulation clouds are like layers of dough. How can you not feel anything when you are in it?

Even a deaf, blind person and a patient with ALS can feel the crisis of bone cutting. His hairs stand on end, his body is covered with goose bumps, and his heart is pounding so fast that it wants to jump out of his throat.

"Maybe we didn't activate our own calamity, but we are indeed under the calamity cloud and within the scope of the calamity - Louise, be careful!"

Before Oliver could finish speaking, a thunderbolt struck.

Both he and Louise were very familiar with it. It was the Zeus thunder that had bombarded the Demon Lord three thousand times before.

The divine thunder that bombarded the Demon Governor was as thick as Dachao's thigh, more than ten kilometers long, and coiled together to form a huge millstone, pressing hard on the Demon Governor's head with the rolling demon clouds.

It was like 1 million tons of red-hot molten iron being poured into the Arctic Ocean. The reaction was very intense and the scene was very spectacular. Just watching from the side made adrenaline surge - it was scary.

At this time, the divine thunder was only as thick as the mouth of a bowl and several hundred meters long. It did not form the shape of a coiling dragon. It was like a lightning whip, lashing from above to downwards.

Seeing that Louise was about to be hit by the "Zeus Lightning Whip", Oliver pulled off his blindfold, activated the "Da Yi Dead Eye", and exploded with martial arts power, trying to block the Thunder God's Lightning Whip for Louise.

He wasn't sure if he could block it, but he was very sure that if he didn't take action, Louise would definitely die.

He will never let Louise die in front of him. This is his promise to Da Chao.

As an old giant of Zhenglian, he originally stayed with the heroes of Zhenglian.

When Louise left the Archimedes airship, Chao was worried about "a bunch of kids" (the magical heroes of the Teen Titans, including several of Harley's disciples) taking care of his wife, so he asked his good friends to do a favor and be his wife. temporary bodyguard.

Protecting Lois during the interview is actually a regular task of the Justice League.

This is not the first time that they have protected Louise, who is filming randomly with a camera, at the scene of a crisis.

Now that he has made a promise, Oliver cannot let Louise be struck to death by a lightning whip no matter what.

"Drink~~~" He activated the power of the God of War in his body, and his two eyes of death radiated bright red light, staring at the lightning whip that was coming at lightning speed. The two were about to collide with each other in the next moment.

The power of the God of War plus the Dead Eye of Yi VS the first disaster in life.

"Buzz buzz"

Just as the lightning whip was about to touch Oliver, a bright golden light suddenly lit up above his head.

The golden light, which is purer and more sacred than the holy light of heaven, is not strong, and the light is not too powerful. It is about the size of a face plate, floating above Oliver's head.

"Pfft~~~~" The lightning whip disappeared directly.

Zeus's divine thunder, whose power fluctuates at least to the level of a main god, is like a burning cigarette butt falling into the Arctic Ocean. With a "pop", the cigarette butt goes out and is submerged in the ice water.

"What's going on?" Oliver was a little confused.

"It's Harley, Harley is protecting us!" Louise suddenly escaped from the fear of imminent death. Her body was as soft as noodles, but her face showed a look of ecstasy, and she shouted excitedly: "The calamity system is haha Written by Li, she was on the scene and could definitely sense our situation and take action in time.

You see, how pure and warm this ball of holy light is, it must be the power of the Holy Aunt. "

Oliver looked up at the "golden washbasin" directly above him, and the surprise in his eyes was instantly replaced by confusion.

In an instant, countless characters and images flashed through his mind. He saw a lot of people, some acquaintances and some strangers, and some scenes were familiar and some were unfamiliar, but he recognized most of the scenes as coming from Earth. They were the city he was guarding - Star City, and the strange "Wild Wasteland" "Science Fiction" scenery, yes, it is the Martial God King City and the human Martial God Tribe in the Martial God King Era, as well as those people.

Oliver had just realized something in his heart when Louise's frightened screams came to his ears again.

"Here it comes again, Oliver, be careful, the disaster is coming again!"

"Don't be afraid, the catastrophe won't hurt us." Oliver blurted out.

This sentence was said very naturally and confidently, as if to say "one plus one equals two."

But after saying this, he was stunned for a while.

“Boom, boom—呲~~”

When he was stunned, the second lightning whip of Zeus had already fallen. Like the previous lightning whip, it disappeared without a trace immediately after approaching the golden light above his head.

"I understand, this is a good fruit. The good causes I planted bore good fruits during the heavenly tribulations, and the good fruits completely blocked the heavenly tribulations."

Oliver felt like he was enlightened, and all his doubts were suddenly clear at this moment.

Then his heart ached.

After the good fruits are produced, they cancel each other out with the thunder calamity and are gone.

He was quite sure that the golden light above his head was a little weaker.

Although the golden light was still strong and there was no obvious attenuation on the outside, he "saw" that part of his "goodness" had come to an end.

The closed loop of good and evil karma formed with the fruits of merit is over.

Some people and scenes that were still flashing before his eyes (the people he saved and helped in the past, the place he desperately protected) disappeared and no longer flashed again.

"Let's get out of here!"

After fully understanding his situation, Oliver did not hesitate, held Louise in his arms, and quickly flew away from the calamity cloud.

"Oliver, what did you just say? The golden light above your head is not Harley's holy light?"

Although it was hard to say it and she didn't want to admit it, Louise really felt that Oliver's arms were more reassuring than her husband's at this time.

All the panic and anxiety when facing the thunderstorm disappeared, and my heart instantly entered an incredible peace and tranquility.

It was not that she was held in Oliver's arms, but Louise's heart was racing, and she had thoughts of a man and a woman.

This kind of peace of mind has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women.

It's like there is no heating or air conditioning. It's snowing outside and the wind is howling. It's more than ten degrees below zero inside. It's so cold that people almost lose consciousness. When they finally get home, they take off their boots and coats and get into the thick and warm quilt. kind of peace of mind and contentment.

At this time, Oliver to Louise was like the heavy, soft, wide and warm quilt in the winter snow.

People may covet the warmth and comfort of quilts, but they are unlikely to have feelings for men and women about them.

The current environment where tribulation clouds are connected and catastrophes are happening everywhere is harsher than the Siberian winter at minus 50 or 60 degrees Celsius, and the feeling of being in Oliver's arms is even worse than shrinking into a 12-pound quilt. People feel at ease.

Especially when she saw with her own eyes a "Zeus Lightning Whip" of the same style, forcibly splitting an interview subject into two pieces of burning charcoal.

She remembered that He seemed to be an alien god-king who ruled a magical world.

Although the God King is a bit watery and not a God King in the realm, he is indeed the master of the magic system.

Zeus's lightning whip cracked his magic shield with just one blow, splitting his body into two pieces, still burning, and his soul howled miserably.

She was not far away, but she was not afraid at all when she saw such a cruel scene. She felt extremely calm because she was surrounded by a huge sense of security.

Fear, worry, and panic are like the torrential rain outside the car. They can be clearly seen by the people inside the car, but they cannot invade the people inside the car.

This kind of absolute peace of mind and security has never appeared before.

The Heaven's Gate Magic Conference has lasted for two days and one night, and Louise has been under Oliver's protection for most of the time.

With Oliver protecting her, Louise felt reassured and at ease.

But the peace of mind back then was far less concrete and real than it is now.

Conceptual peace of mind almost turns into a physical fortress.

Louise was not in a daze.

She clearly felt that the strong sense of security in Oliver's arms did not come from Oliver himself, but from the golden light above his head and face.

It's not so much that Oliver's arms are reassuring, it's more that when you hide in his arms, you are completely under the "golden basin".

The "golden washbasin" can protect her from numerous disasters.

This realization came to Louise.

"Why has Heavenly Tribulation been avoiding you? What's on your head?"

Oliver rushed out with his head covered, thinking about how to explain to Louise, when suddenly there was a surprised scream mixed with pain and despair.

In order to obtain better interview materials, Louise went to places where extraordinary bosses gathered, and she was implicated by them.

And after the heavenly tribulation falls, those who have overcome the tribulation may not be taken away with one move. Those who have overcome the tribulation can persist for a long time.

They soon discovered something strange about Oliver.

First of all, everyone else was chased and chopped by thunder and burned by tribulation fire, but Oliver was in the center of the thick tribulation cloud and was not pursued by the tribulation.

It's not that no Heavenly Tribulation approaches him, but that Heavenly Tribulation doesn't take the initiative to look for him.

If a catastrophe happened to happen while he was moving forward, it could still hit him.

The probability of being struck by a calamity thunder. In this environment where there are so many calamity clouds, the probability of being struck by a calamity thunder is not low. It will happen at least once or twice every 100 times.

Compared to others, he is 100% vulnerable, even more obvious than fireflies in the dark.

Moreover, even if there were tribulation thunder, sky fire, or bone-corroding turbid water approaching Oliver, they would be eliminated immediately.

It was as if the catastrophe that had just split the gods and demons into two pieces, burned them into cokes, and melted the gods' bodies was all an illusion.

It would be strange if no gods and demons discovered Oliver's abnormality.

Faced with the questions from the gods and demons, Oliver ignored them and only accelerated his speed to fly away from the calamity cloud.

"Ah, I understand, it's good fruit. This guy has good fruit. Fa Ke, it's such a big pile of good fruit. Hiding under the good fruit, not even the heavenly tribulation can hurt him."

"Good people" are rare among gods and demons, but there are many "smart people". Some gods and demons immediately guessed the truth.

"What, this is the good fruit? Witch Harley did not lie, the good fruit really exists, and it can also help people avoid natural disasters.

By the way, I know him. He is the superhero who protects Lois, the famous name in the universe.

Damn it, I understand, he saved a lot of people, accumulated a lot of good causes in his body, and now bears good results.

It's not fair. This superhero is just a little god of war. I am the main god who has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

His ability, wisdom, and divine power are not as good as mine, so why does he have good results and I don’t? "There are gods and demons who are so envious and jealous that their mentality is unbalanced.

"Look, there is another person in his arms. He has too many good deeds. He can not only protect himself, but also protect others. Hey, superhero, help me, help me, I need help."

Some gods and demons began to struggle towards Oliver, making pitiful cries for help.

Oliver didn't hesitate at all and ignored them completely.

Even if he lost a small part of the "good results" while protecting Louise, he was heartbroken. He was asked to help these bastards. He was not stupid, so how could it be possible?

"Maler Gobi, you have forgotten your identity. You are a superhero. Isn't it your responsibility to save lives and heal the wounded? If you don't save someone, you will be punished and cause evil." Some gods and demons began to curse.

Some gods and demons also accelerated their speed and rushed towards Oliver, "Everyone, help me stop that little Valkyrie. I can't hold it anymore. Only by grabbing him and using him as an umbrella on my head can I avoid the rest of the catastrophe." "

The evil god directly in front of Oliver's eyes lit up and he immediately reached out to grab him.

"Hahaha, I'm going to use the good fruit on your head as a shield, so you can't run away - oh, what happened, ah -"

"BOOOOOOM!" The thunder of Zeus above the evil god's head suddenly intensified tenfold, chopping him into dregs while he was still struggling to hold on. Not even a complete soul was left, and the howling sound stopped abruptly.

"Don't run, little Martial God, you can't run away - ah, no, why did my heavenly disaster suddenly -"

"Bah~~~" A major god-level god-king who was going through the "Rock God Boulder Tribulation" just came to Oliver and was about to take action. The boulder above his head suddenly became ten times harder and the pressure increased 100 times. He crushed it into a thin layer of minced meat, and his screams stopped abruptly.

"You are a superhero, why don't you prevent disaster for me? I want-ah, no-"

"Tsk~" Odin's spear shot out from the calamity cloud, faster than light and sharper than thunder. It passed through the head of the evil god who attacked Oliver in anger, and was crucified in the void alive.

Good people are rare among gods and demons, but there is no shortage of smart people.

The gods and demons who were just about to move but didn't take action immediately discovered the clues.

"Don't get close to that superhero. He is a truly righteous and good man. He has great good deeds on his head and is protected in the catastrophe. Anyone who intends to harm him will have a skyrocketing amount of evil.

Your intention to murder him immediately creates the cause of sin.

Maybe the amount of evil is related to the good effects on him.

The more good he does, the more evil he adds to you.

Then Tianjie strengthened Fa Ke, and Witch Harley is really watertight, and we won't let us exploit any bugs! "There was not much sadness and anger in his cry, but more of surprise and shock.

Hearing his cry, the other thoughtful gods and demons shuddered. Not only did they stop chasing Oliver, they also made way for him like a plague god to prevent him from getting close to them.

Oliver breathed a long sigh of relief, "God bless Harley, the calamity system she created is indeed perfect, there are no bugs that harm others and benefit herself!"

Just now he was so desperate that he shouted "Harry, help".

Facing the gods alone, even if they are giants and he is not as powerful as the opponent, he will not be so nervous.

But now he is not facing the enemy alone, he has Louise as a big burden beside him.

He couldn't even let her leave his arms. If she went too far, she would be struck to death by lightning.

When the evil god approaches, he will also bring a large number of catastrophes with him.

Fortunately, although the Heavenly Tribulation system had just been launched and encountered the largest "tribulation accident" in the history of the extraordinary world as soon as it was launched, it has been operating normally without bugs.

"Hey, Oliver, did you notice that the tribulation clouds of several gods and demons we passed just now did not increase their tribulations, and none of them killed them alive." Louise said in surprise.

"They just looked at us with an expression of envy and jealousy and did not take action. Maybe they had murderous intentions but did not take action. Naturally, there will be no evil cause." Oliver was not surprised.

Where there is a cause, there is an effect.

If others did not do anything and did not cause the evil, but increased the evil consequences, the cycle of good and evil karma would not be formed.

"Oliver, Oliver Oliver, come this way!"

Suddenly, vague and intermittent shouting came to Oliver's ears.

He carefully identified it for a while, then sent out mental waves in the direction of the sound, "Is it Archimedes? Where are you?"

"It's me, yes, this is the direction. Speed ​​up, you are almost at the edge of the 'Heavenly Tribulation Sea'."

The more Oliver flew in the direction of Archimedes' "radar mental waves", the clearer Archimedes' voice became.

"Farke, you mean the 'Heavenly Tribulation Sea'. The Heavenly Tribulation formed a huge ocean?" Oliver said in shock.

"You are in the middle of the Sea of ​​Heavenly Tribulation, don't you feel it?" Archimedes asked.

"I've been flying for more than ten minutes and haven't flown out of the scope of the disaster. I don't know if it's because I'm in the wrong direction or because the scope is too wide." Oliver said.

"Oh, you will understand after you come out and see for yourself. You don't know the true face of Mount Lu just because you are in this mountain." Archimedes said with emotion.

After flying for about half a minute, Oliver found that the tribulation clouds began to become thinner and no longer connected into pieces or layer upon layer as before.

He can clearly distinguish the person who overcomes the tribulation corresponding to each tribulation cloud.

Not only were they not squeezing together, but they were slowly but surely spreading out, staying far away from each other.

"Oliver, this way!" Rachel's mental fluctuation also came.

Oliver directly connected to her mental power and accurately found the location of Archimedes' airship.

"Everyone, please calm down. Heavenly tribulation is not equal to death. As long as you deal with it seriously and down-to-earth, you can successfully survive the catastrophe.

If you give up on yourselves, the heavenly calamity will really become a calamity of ten deaths and no life! "

Oliver also heard Harley's voice.

She is like a living broadcaster, replaying similar content in a large area to advise everyone not to expand the scope of the catastrophe.

He got into the Archimedes airship, put down Louise in his arms, looked around, and asked, "Where is Harley? Why didn't she move?"

"Harry is advising everyone not to despair, not to give up life, not to create sins and force others to survive. Didn't you hear?" Rachel said while insisting on Louise's physical condition.

"I heard Harley's voice, I mean why didn't she come down personally to maintain order." Oliver said.

"How to maintain order? After the catastrophe is activated, it is not controlled by anyone. Harley is no longer the master of magic. Even she herself has to survive the tribulation!" Rachel said.

"Louise doesn't have any injuries on her body and is in very good condition." She completed the examination with a bit of surprise in her expression and tone.

"I did encounter a natural disaster, but Oliver has been protecting me." Louise said.

Rachel looked Oliver up and down and asked curiously: "Why are you in such good condition? Your breath hasn't even weakened, as if you haven't experienced a catastrophe."

When Oliver heard this, he subconsciously raised his head to look at the "Golden Good Fruit" above his head, but saw nothing.

"I have a good effect. Didn't you see it just now? It's strange, it's gone and can't be sensed at all." He was also a little confused.

"Good fruit? Can good fruit be visible to the naked eye? What does it look like?" Everyone on the airship asked curiously.

Oliver looked around and asked, "Where are Harley and the others? Is everyone okay? What are you doing now?"

"Before we find you, the main mission of the Archimedes airship is to search and rescue you who have lost contact."

Barbara, who was in the driver's seat, drove the spacecraft quickly through the tribulation clouds and said, "Harry doesn't need anyone else to worry about.

When the disaster occurred, the Archimedes airship and the Justice League had been on the periphery of the crowd. Only you and Louise ran away without knowing where.

From the moment the Demon Governor went crazy to the formation of the super 'Hai Jie', the whole process took less than half a minute, and countless magicians had nowhere to run.

We are already on the periphery, and there are no heroes among the heroes who can escape the disaster easily. There is only Superman."

Barbara looked back at Louise and closed her mouth.

"What's wrong with Superman? He is an ordinary person, has no magic power, and always does good deeds. He will neither trigger a catastrophe nor be harmed by it, right?" Louise asked nervously.

"Ask him yourself."

The speed of the Archimedes airship was very fast, and in a few words they had arrived at the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Tribulation.

Through the window, you can see the Gate of Heaven and a floating island outside the door.

The airship did not land on the floating island, only the people on the airship were teleported through the space gate.

Harley floated on the edge of the floating island, facing the boundless ocean of calamity clouds below, repeating over and over again, "Don't despair, everyone, and survive the calamity honestly. Heavenly calamity does not mean death calamity. Pulling others to support you will only lead to your own calamity." escape".

There was an open space behind her, and there were many people lying on the ground, including gods, demons, and human mages.

All of their breaths were disordered, and their bodies had obvious scars from lightning strikes and fire.

More than half of the limbs are missing.

The missing arms and legs are only minor, and many even have only a fragment of their body left.

If they hadn't been able to make moaning and wailing sounds, they would have thought they were corpses!

There are also many magicians taking care of the injured, including heroes from Zhenglian.

"Are they all losers in the tribulation?"

Louise was both shocked and a little ready to take out her mobile phone to record these precious news materials.

"No, they are all the lucky ones who succeeded in overcoming the tribulation. The losers will die, and only those who succeed in overcoming the tribulation can survive. In other words, no matter how miserable they look now, as long as they are still alive, it proves that they have succeeded in overcoming the tribulation. The causes of sin accumulated in the past are all eliminated, and now you are completely new and debt-free.”

Harley's eldest apprentice, Gemma, is a mage of Holy Light and is in the "caregiver" team at this time.

While putting a bandage on an alien mage, she introduced the situation here to Louise.

"Oh my God, there are so many people who survived such a terrifying disaster." Louise was shocked again.

She had personally experienced the scene of crossing the sea of ​​tribulation, and she only saw powerful gods and demons wailing miserably and dying.

She had just met the person who had successfully overcome the calamity.

"What do you mean, you think we shouldn't survive?"

Although the tribulation-rider's breath was disordered and weak, and his limbs were often mutilated, his eyes at this time were very sharp, poking at Louise's face like scalpels.

"No, that's not what I meant. Like you, I have also experienced a catastrophe."

Louise was still stuttering to explain when a familiar weak call suddenly came from behind her, "Louise, Louise"

Louise suddenly looked back and saw that familiar figure, her husband Superman.

But he was no longer the tall, upright, powerful and confident "man of steel" in her impression.

He was also lying on a stretcher, his body covered in scars, as if he had been wrapped in bread crumbs and fried in a pan for a while.

Not even an inch of clean and tidy skin could be found.

"Oh my god, Superman, you, how did you—"

Before she finished speaking, tears flowed down unsatisfactorily. She choked and ran over. She wanted to hug him but was afraid of hurting him, so the tears flowed more fiercely.

"Gemma, Gemma, come here and save Superman, Harley, Harley!"

She first called "caregiver" Gemma, and after calling twice she thought of the more reliable Harley.

"Since you know I'm here, what are you worried about?" Harley said.

Seeing the master coming, Jima turned back and continued to bandage the wounds and clean the affected areas of the tribulation seekers.

"Louise, don't worry. The injuries on my body look terrible, but they are actually just flesh wounds. Just go back and bask in the sun for a few minutes and it will be fine." Dachao comforted his wife.

"How could you be so seriously injured?" Louise grabbed his hand and asked in concern.

Dachao hesitated.

“After the catastrophe, he yelled ‘No, Louise’ and rushed into the sea of ​​tribulation regardless, and was struck by the divine thunder countless times.

By the time I found him, he had fallen into a coma and his body was burning like firewood in the divine fire. " Harley said.

"Why are you so stupid? Although you have a body of steel, the calamity is magic at the level of divine spells. Magic has always been your weakness!" Looking at her husband's burnt cheeks, Louise began to cry again.

"Oh, you are so close to the Demon Governor and you were almost immediately surrounded by the Sea of ​​Tribulation. How could I not be anxious?"

Dachao sighed and comforted his wife, saying: "Hali is at the scene, there is no way anything will happen to me.

Attacking the Sea of ​​Tribulation may seem dangerous, but in fact there is no risk at all. "

Louise wiped away the tears on her face, turned to look at Harley, and said with complaint: "You also know that his magic resistance is very low. No matter what emergency you have at the time, you should put it aside temporarily and rescue Superman as soon as possible. ah!"

"After I discovered that Superman was stupid, I would have taken action as soon as possible, otherwise he would have been half-cooked by now." Harley said.

Louise was stunned and asked in surprise: "Did Superman deliberately hit the sea of ​​​​tribulation after entering it?"

"I'm not stupid. Of course I have to try my best to avoid the catastrophes, but the catastrophes are too many and too dense. A sea of ​​thunder is coming down. There is nowhere to hide and I can only force my way through." Da Chao said.

"Where is your golden fruit?" Louise asked.

"What kind of golden light is good?" Dachao was confused.

Oliver on the side was surprised: "There is no golden light condensed with good fruits on your head?"

Then he told in detail his experience with Louise and his direct feelings about the golden light.

Harry nodded slightly and said: "The causes of evil will turn into the consequences of punishment in the catastrophe, and the causes of kindness will turn into 'good consequences' when encountering the catastrophe.

Oliver, you have been a superhero your whole life and there is almost no evil in you.

Your own heavenly tribulation is not activated at all.

There are too few causes of sin to activate.

The calamity of others only manifests your good deeds and cannot force you to overcome the calamity.

On the contrary, your good deeds can eliminate other people's disasters.

This result was not part of my calculation, but it was not unexpected. "

Harry had long thought of using good fruits to eliminate his own calamity, and he also explained it publicly.

She had never thought about using her own good deeds to eliminate other people's calamities before.

But this result is consistent with the law of cause and effect.

"Those evil gods who wanted to use me as a human shield to overcome the tribulation were all killed on the spot. The gods and demons who did not attack me had no change in their own tribulation. Only the tribulation that fell on me will disappear automatically." Oliver said.

Harry glanced at his and Louise's faces and said: "The disaster will not fall on you, it will only stay away from you.

The reason why it falls on you is because you are blocking the natural disaster for Louise.

Louise didn't have any injuries on her body, and she didn't look any different from before, but she was indeed different.

She completed a heavenly catastrophe, and all the cause and effect on her body disappeared.

Just like the tribulation survivors lying on the ground groaning in pain around them. "

"Ah, I completed a catastrophe? But I'm just a mortal." Louise said in surprise.

Harry said: "Yes, you are a mortal, and you should not have a natural disaster, but you have already entered a natural disaster, and there is still cause and effect on you, so the natural disaster will find you.

When the heavenly tribulation comes to you, it will eliminate the causes of evil in you. Completing this process is equivalent to completing a tribulation. "

In the world of immortals, after successfully overcoming the tribulation, at least the realm will soar, and there may also be a qualitative change in life and becoming an immortal.

DC's Heavenly Tribulation is imitated from the world of Xianxia, ​​but it does not necessarily have the effect of helping people improve their realm and evolve the essence of life.

Eliminating the cause and effect of good and evil is its basic function.

There is no direct connection between the elimination of good and evil cause and effect and realm.

"Have you noticed that in the process of rushing out of the sea of ​​tribulations, the further back you go, the fewer the catastrophes that 'happen' to fall on you?" Harley looked at them and asked.

Oliver thought thoughtfully, "Excluding those catastrophes that I couldn't avoid and bumped into on my own initiative, the catastrophes that 'accidentally' fell on me are indeed becoming less and less. Taking a closer look, it seems that there are only the first two or three in total." .”

Harry smiled and said: "Louise is a conscientious reporter. Although she has committed many sins when she was young, being hit by two or three god-level thunders is enough to form a cycle of good and evil."

"Did Louise do evil when she was young? What bad things did she do?" Oliver asked in surprise.

Louise was a little embarrassed, "I didn't commit any sin or actively do anything bad."

Harley glanced at her and said, "Lois met Superman for the first time in the Arctic camp.

We were excavating an alien spacecraft, and she took advantage of her general father's privileges to break in. As a result, she and the two soldiers protecting her triggered the alien spacecraft's protective mechanism and died on the spot.

She was lucky enough to be rescued by Da Chao and me. The two soldiers she brought in sacrificed their lives in vain.

Because of her recklessness and stupidity, two people were killed.

After a similar situation happened, cause and effect kept accumulating. Even if she was not a bad person, she still had many evil causes.

Of course, good and bad are all compared.

It only took two or three divine thunders to wash away the cause and effect. She was much better than those bastard gods and demons. "

Oliver was also a little embarrassed, "If she was just young and impulsive and did things without considering the consequences, Louise would be guilty of evil. I... I was much more evil than her when I was young."

Harley shook her head and said: "The cause and effect of sin has no direct connection with human moral good and evil.

There was evil in Louise, but she never had the intention of doing evil.

She just wanted to make big news and make the truth public.

She is not afraid of the dangers on the alien spacecraft, nor is she afraid of the threats from big capitalists and evil forces.

In human morality, she is definitely considered a good person with this kind of character.

Based on your debauchery behavior when you were young, you are indeed the scum of human society, but you have not created a huge cause and effect of good and evil.

You get high, you drink, you mess around, you are a bad person, you create a lot of karma, but those karma are not good or evil. "

Louise looked better and asked doubtfully: "Superman was struck like this by lightning after he rushed into the sea of ​​​​tribulation. Could it be that he has a lot of evil in him?"

"You are different from Superman. The Demon Lord leads the catastrophe to you. This is the cause of the Demon Lord, and he suffers the consequences.

Superman took the initiative to attack Jiehai. This was his fault and he had to bear the consequences.

If a certain god is going through a tribulation and you just watch from a distance and don't disturb him, you'll be fine.

If you forcefully rush into the tribulation, will the clouds of tribulation disperse on their own?

If you seek your own death and create the cause of your own crimes, the heavenly calamity will have a reason to bring down the consequences of punishment. "

"How's the Lord?" Oliver asked.

"Of course he died. He died cleanly and his soul was gone."

Chapter 2057/2202
I Want to Have a Date with SupermanCh.2057/2202 [93.42%]